description="HTMNET project Data" project="HTMNET" creator_name="HTMNET Project" creator_type="group" title="HTMNET Data" keywords_vocabulary="GCMD Science Keywords" production="MIO UMR 7294 CNRS / OSU Pytheas" contact="Didier Mallarino (" source="HTMNET Network" institution="MIO UMR 7294 CNRS / OSU Pytheas" infoUrl="" references="" featureType="TimeSeries" ; cdm_data_type="TimeSeries" Conventions="CF-1.6" cdm_timeseries_variables="station_name,latitude,longitude" lineage="From HTMNET Network" license="CC-BY 4.0" rfa="If you use these data in publications or presentation, please acknowledge the HTMNET Project Office of MIO OSU Pytheas" summary="This project consists in providing original measurement data" keywords="meteorology, mio, OSU Pytheas, CNRS, station, time, HTMNET, Earth Science Atmosphere Atmospheric Temperature Surface Temperature Air Temperature, Earth Science Atmosphere Atmospheric Pressure Sea Level Pressure, Earth Science Oceans Ocean Pressure Water Pressure, Earth Science Oceans Ocean Temperature Water Temerature"